Ajuga School

Courage Connection Growth

Telephone02 9827 6100


School Wide Expectations

At Ajuga school we seek to create an environment that provides both safety and security, and is relational, and in doing so provides the climate most appropriate to foster opportunities for student growth in the socio-emotional, interpersonal and academic domains.

To support creating a safe, secure and relational environment, Ajuga staff and students have collaboratively come up with three key expectations,used in all settings across the school. 

These expectations are:

1. Safe

2. Kind

3. Learner

Staff and students worked together to unpack these expectations, defining what each expectation looked like for school specific contexts. 

Explicit and direct teaching, modeling and reminders of these expectations are reinforced daily, ensuring students are able to develop the skills to participate safely both within the classroom and playground and to ensure positive interactions amongst students and peers.