Ajuga School

Courage Connection Growth

Telephone02 9827 6100


School Behaviour Support and Management Plan (SBMP)

School Behaviour Support and Management Plan (SBMP)

Ajuga School's Student Support Guidelines and Support document outlines our approach to school behaviour support and management.

Ajuga School seeks to create a relational environment that provides both safety and security and provides the climate most appropriate to foster opportunities for student growth in the socio-emotional, interpersonal, and academic domains.

Crucial to this is staff understanding of neurobiology and how brains develop, and the potential impact of complex trauma on brain development and behaviour. As we learn more about the impact of trauma on both learning and behaviour, we are developing an understanding of the increased need for explicit teaching of social-emotional learning.

You can access our School Behaviour Support and Management Plan here

Parent Communication Charter

The Ajuga School Community Charter outlines the responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and school staff to ensure learning environments are collaborative, supportive and cohesive.

At Ajuga we work hard to foster relationships and psychologically safe environments for students, staff, and the entire school community that support student learning. 

You can access our Parent Communication Charter here